Vision Design
Kitchen and bathroom remodel
What can we do for you?
We have managed hundreds of projects - from single rooms to whole-house remodels. This experience enables us to provide you with unsurpassed support and consultation in any area related to your project, including the following:
Space Planning

We have the professional software and expertise to help you visualize your space in any conceivable configuration. This includes analysis of work and traffic flow, storage options, growth contingencies, exterior views, ergonomics etc. You will be living in this space. It should be designed with care!
Lighting and Power Plans

A great kitchen or bathroom needs adequate and specialized lighting. Power needs are also paramount. How many outlets? Where are the light switches? What electrical loads must be accomodated? These and many other questions must be answered precisely before a contractor can give an accurate cost estimate.
Appliances, Fixtures and Materials

Today's appliances, fixtures and materials are light years ahead of anything you may be familiar with from even a few years ago. We will be your guide in navigating the maze of vendors, specifications, local codes and other considerations to arrive at the perfect selection for you.
Documentation and Specifications

Contractors need accurate and complete specs to make reliable cost estimates. We develop these specifications based on your needs and desired results. This ensures the cost and scope of your project is estimated accurately so there are no surprises in cost or delivery schedule and the project is done on time and on budget!
Contractor Bidding and Selection

Choosing the right contractor for the job is critical. We have worked with many different contractors in every trade. We understand what each trade needs to do their job right and knowing the characteristics of each contractor will make your project easier, faster and more predictable. If you have already chosen a contractor we can work with them too!